Web of Things

W3C WoT – Interest Group

The W3C WoT Interest Group (IG) plays a complementary role to the Working Group. The IG organizes and runs PlugFests to evaluate the current working assumptions, reaches out and collaborates with interested organizations, vendors, and communities, and explores new areas to identify work that is ready for transfer to the W3C Recommendation Track (i.e., any W3C Working Group).

Co-Chairs: Michael McCool (Intel Corp.) and Sebastian Käbisch (Siemens AG)

Team contacts: Kazuyuki Ashimura and Dave Raggett




Task Forces

The Web of Things (WoT) Interest Group (IG) conducts some of its work via the following task forces.
See each task force page for details about specific work.

Name Deliverable Task Force Lead
WoT Use Cases WoT Use Cases Michael Lagally (Oracle Corp.)
WoT Marketing WoT Web Page, Collateral Ege Korkan (Siemens AG)
WoT Plugfest WoT Plugfest Michael McCool (Intel Corp.)


Web of Things Liaisons

Please find below a list of WoT liaisons (sorted by organization name).





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